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Topics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Alexander AW, Jensen IJ, Hathaway J, Srivastava K, Cyr PL , Sidonio RF, Batt K. 2022. Bleeding in patients with hemophilia who have inhibitors: Modeling US medical system utilization and cost avoidance between recombinant factor VIIa products with different clinical dosing requirements. J Manag Care Spec Pharm 28(5):518-527; doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2022.21197 .
Topics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Sheshadri A, Sacks NC , Healey BE, Raza S, Boerner G, Huang HJ. 2022. Lung function monitoring after lung transplantation and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Clin Ther 44(5):755–765.
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Topics: Epidemiology , Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Sacks NC , Healey BE, Raza S, Cyr PL , Boerner G, Sheshadri A. 2022. The economic burden of NIPC and BOS following allogeneic HSCT in patients with commercial insurance in the United States. Blood Adv 6(5):1566–1576; doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2021004364 .
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Topics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Sheshadri A, Sacks NC , Healey B, Cyr P , Boerner G, Huang HJ. 2022. The healthcare resource utilization and costs of chronic lung allograft dysfunction following lung transplantation in patients with commercial insurance in the United States. J Med Econ 25(1):650–659; doi: 10.1080/13696998.2022.2071065 .
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Topics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
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Topics: Epidemiology
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Topics: Epidemiology , Systematic Review
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Topics: Epidemiology
Anneberg M, Svane HML, Fryzek J, Nicholson G, White JB, Edris B, Smith LM, Hooda N , Petersen MM, Baad-Hansen T, Keller JØ, Jørgensen PH, Pedersen AB. 2022. The epidemiology of desmoid tumors in Denmark. Cancer Epidemiol 77(April):102114; doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2022.102114 .
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Topics: Epidemiology
Mavunda K, Jiang X , Ambrose CS. 2021. Prevalence and clinical characteristics of perinatal chronic lung disease by infant gestational age. J Neonatal Perinatal Med 14(1):43–51, doi: 10.3233/NPM-200412.
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