Network Meta-Analysis

HEORStrategies can help you address the challenges of evaluating multiple treatments that have not been compared directly. We use robust, sophisticated approaches, including Network Meta-Analysis and Indirect Treatment Comparison, to generate an evidence base for healthcare decision makers assessing the relative value of therapeutic options.

  • We use network meta-analysis to combine evidence from multiple trials within a network of studies and produce estimates of the relative effects of pairs of interventions in the network.
  • We use indirect treatment comparison to evaluate the relative effects of two interventions that have not been directly compared to each other but, ideally, have both been compared to another treatment.
  • We are experienced with Bayesian and frequentist approaches and follow ISPOR Task Force good research practices for network meta-analysis and indirect treatment comparisons.
  • HEORStrategies’ extensive experience in systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses, and our expertise in epidemiology and statistics are key to our ability to conduct network meta-analyses and indirect treatment comparisons.