Sacks NC, Everson K, Cyr PL, Preib M, Wood D, Pokorney S. Healthcare resource use and expenditures in patients newly diagnosed with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) in the United States. Podium presentation, International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology Annual Meetings, Philadelphia, PA, August 2019.

Hathway J, Jensen IS, Cyr PL, Koshy, TI, Parks, P, Weinstein MC. Economic analysis of colorectal cancer screening from multiple stakeholder perspectives: Key components to improve practical applications in the US. ISPOR 24th Annual International Meeting, New Orleans LA, 2019

Sacks NC, Everson K, Cyr PL, Emden M, Preib M, Wood D, Pokorney S. Variations in healthcare resource use and expenditures by age in patients under Age 65 newly diagnosed with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) in the United States. ISPOR 24th Annual International Meeting, New Orleans LA, 2019.


Sacks NC. Evaluating clinical and economic burden of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) using real world evidence. Podium presentation, Real World Data and Life Science Analytics Congress. Boston, MA, October 2018.

Ludden T, Ermakova A, Xiong Y, Cyr PL, Sieradzan R, Sacks NC, Taylor SD. Comparison of healthcare resource utilization for multiple-daily injections (MDI) with basal and bolus insulin therapy versus non-MDI therapy in patients with Type 2 diabetes. Poster presentation at Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy Annual Research Meetings, Boston, MA, 2018.

Ludden T, Ermakova A, Xiong Y, Cyr PL, Sieradzan R, Sacks NC, Taylor SD. Comparison of healthcare resource utilization and clinical status among Type 2 diabetes patients using multiple-daily injection (MDI) insulin therapy vs. non-MDI therapy. ISPOR 23rd Annual Conference, Baltimore MD, 2018.

Sacks NC, Cyr PL, Bariahtaris S, Sharma A, Everson K, Douville P, Ruskin J. Healthcare resource use and expenditures in patients under 65 years of age and newly diagnosed with paroxysmal superventricular tachycardia (PSVT) in the United States. Podium Presentation at World Congress on Heart Disease, Boston MA, 2018.

Sacks NC, Sharma A, Cyr PL, Bertiger G, Dahdal DN, Brogadir S. Real-world evidence comparison of the efficacy and safety of different bowel preparation agents in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Digestive and Disease Week, Washington DC, 2018.

Jensen IS, Wu E, Cyr PL, Claussen M, Winkler T, Salhuddin K, Prats J, et al. Cost-consequence analysis of using cangrelor in high angiographic risk percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) patients: A US hospital perspective. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), San Diego, CA, 2018.

Hathway J, Purdum AG, Lin VW, Cyr PL, Westin J, Jensen IS. A budget impact model of Axicabtagene Ciloleucil in a US population of patients with relapsed/refractory large B-cell lymphoma (RR-LBCL). European Blood and Marrow Transplantation Meeting, Lisbon Portugal, 2018.