Publications : 1993

Cohan S, Redman D, Chen M, Wilson D, Cyr PL. 1993. Flunarazine blocks elevation of free cytosolic calcium in synaptosomes following sustained depolarization. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 13(6):947-953; doi: 10.1038/jcbfm.1993.118.


Gerbil cerebral cortical synaptosomes loaded with the fluorescent calcium probe FURA-2 were used to study depolarization-induced presynaptic cytosolic free calcium concentration, as an in vitro model of cerebral ischemia. The depolarization-induced increase in intrasynaptosomal cytosolic free calcium concentration is not sodium-dependent or sodium channel-dependent and may be due to an influx of extrasynaptosomal calcium resulting from a cadmium- and omega-conotoxin-sensitive, nickel-, nifedipine-, and nimodipine-insensitive voltage-regulated channel. The depolarization-induced increase in intrasynaptosomal free cytosolic calcium concentration is also inhibited by flunarizine, a calcium antagonist that has protective effects in animal models of cerebral anoxia and ischemia. Our results suggest that presynaptic calcium uptake following depolarization may be mediated in part by an N-type channel. Flunarizine may block presynaptic calcium accumulation, in part, by blocking this N-type channel; this blockade may be just one of several mechanisms by which flunarizine exerts protective effects following cerebral ischemia.