Wallace E, Sacks NC , Cyr P , Baker-Wagner M. An observational cohort analysis on the economic impact of chronic kidney disease in patients with fabry disease. Poster presentation, ISPOR Annual International Meeting, Virtual, May 2021.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Sacks NC , Healey B, Cyr PL , Slocomb T, James E, Beggs A, Graham RJ. Healthcare resource use and expenditures in patients with x-linked myotubular myopathy (XLMTM). Poster presentation, ISPOR 25th Annual International Meeting, Orlando, FL, April 2021.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Panattoni L, Hernandez J, Liu Y , Sacks NC , Higham R, Stephenson B, Armstrong A. Initial treatment patterns for newly diagnosed, commercially insured patients with psoriasis. Poster presentation, ISPOR, April 2021.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Rehorn MR, Sacks N , Cyr PL , Emden, MR, Sherwood R, Pokorney SD. Rates of catheter ablation for paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia in the United States. J Am Coll Cardiol 77 (18-Sup1):330. Poster Contribution, American College of Cardiology, 2021.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: Epidemiology
Dean R, Jensen IS, Cyr PL , Miller B, Maru B, Sproule DM, Feltner DE, et al. 2021. An updated cost-utility model for onasemnogene abeparvovec (Zolgensma®) in spinal muscular atrophy type 1 patients and comparison with evaluation by the Institute for Clinical and Effectiveness Review (ICER). J Mark Access Health Pol 9(1):1889841; doi: 10.1080/20016689.2021.1889841 .
Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Nielson CM, Bylsma LC , Fryzek JP, Saad HA, Crawford J. 2021. Relative dose intensity of chemotherapy and survival in patients with advanced stage solid tumor cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. The Oncologist 26(9):e1609–e1618; doi: 10.1002/onco.13822 .
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Epidemiology , Systematic Review
Rehorn M, Sacks NC , Emden MR, Healey B, Preib MT, Cyr PL , Pokorney SD. 2021. Prevalence and incidence of patients with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia in the United States. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 32(8):2199-2206; doi: 10.1111/jce.15109 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Epidemiology
Chew D, Sacks NC , Emden MR, Preib MT, Cyr PL , Wood D, Pokorney SD. 2021. Trends in health care resource use and expenditures in patients with newly diagnosed paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia in the United States. Am Heart J 233(March):132–140; doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2020.12.012 .
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